Friday, March 26, 2010

Self Evaluation

I taught the class the basic warm-up for yoga. Yoga is a growing activity and for anyone who hadn't experience yoga they were able to get a first hand explanation of some of the basic steps. I went through each phase of the sun salutations. I performed the step as well as instructing a volunteer how to do each of the phases.
I really enjoy yoga so I had a very positive and energetic attitude while giving my speech. I think I could have talked a bit louder and a bit slower. I was a little nervous because I gave the first speech and I think that had a bit of a negative effect on my performance. I think I had good eye contact while giving my speech. I fidgeted with my hands a little bit too much at the beginning but once I started giving the demonstration I had a more confident posture.
I dressed up in yoga apparel to dress the part for my demonstration. I could have brought in a yoga mat that is usually always used while doing yoga but since I didn’t have enough for everyone I decided not to bring one in. the students who hadn’t tried yoga before seemed very interested in learning some of the basic techniques of yoga. Others who were already familiar with yoga didn’t seem quite as interested because they already knew how to do it.
I think I would choose my topic again if I had to redo my speech. There were enough students in the class who were interested in the topic to have it be worthwhile. There aren’t really any changes I could have made in my visual aid, I think it was as good as it could be. I would have tried to tie the introduction and the conclusion together better. I should have had a saying that I could talk about to introduce and conclude my speech better.

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