Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Response to Brianna Decker's Endorsement Post

I think Brianna makes a very valid point. Having Sidney Crosby promoting Reebok has done a lot for their company. He is very talented and relatable to younger athletes more so than other professionals because of his young age. Reebok is very lucky to have an athlete as popular as he is promoting their product. I don't know if you can directly correlate him promoting their gear to their increase in sales. I'm sure it has some role in their increase in sales but I don't think celebrity endorsements can necessarily make or break a company's successfulness. There are many factors that can effect a company's success rate, things as simple as the quality and style its self. I don't know a whole lot about hockey equipment but I know that is a business that goes through a lot of changes. Keeping up with these changes and making the improvements before other companies is a huge factor in a company's successfulness.

Crosby has done a lot for Reebok with promoting their company. He is an extremely gifted athlete who has many admirers. He will forever be remembered for his excellent performance.


Abortion is a very controversial topic that many people have a very strong opinion about. I read the two following articles and will go on to further explain what I learned about the issue.

The first article I read argued that abortion should not be an option. It provides a lot of statistics that would lead the reader to not want an abortion. But, not until the end of the article does it state the argument that it has intended. I think if they wanted to make their article more persuasive they should have started off with a stronger start than just jumping right into the facts. The facts them self are persuasive because they show the negative side effects of having an abortion but the author doesn't state their opinion until the end.

The second article I read was an article that was pro-abortion. This article started off by presenting their stance on the issue very clearly. They went on to talk about the legal rights of abortion and how it effects women in our society. This article also informs women that they are not a lone and that there are "many" women out there who have had abortions.

I thought that each argument had strong points. The facts in the first article stood out more to me than the second article which had virtually no facts. The second article did voice their opinion more and tried to catch the reader on more of an emotional level. I learned a lot from both articles and my personal view has not really changed. I believe that each individual should have their own choice in their given situation. It is unfortunate for the child who may be lost in the process but I feel like you need to take care of your self first before you bring another life into the world. I think that people should just be more careful in the first place. If you decide to be sexually active, then you should know how to be safe and protect yourself.