Friday, February 19, 2010

Reaction to, In Defense of Food, by Michael Pollan (Introduction- Chapter 4)

As I read the introduction and first 4 chapters of Michael Pollan book, In Defense of Food, I had a few main points really stick in my head. The first being when he stated how its hard to find "real" foods these days. He went on further to explain that many foods that claim to be fortified with nutritious vitamins and minerals don't really give you all those extra things you need. Eating the "real" food is what you need to eat to stay healthy. Eating the stuff that says all the healthy advantages of eating their product really don't have everything you could be getting if you just ate normal food. I personally found this very interesting and it left me with a new eye for the food industry and the fad foods they all advertise.
I came to further understand the battles of many scientist trying to make the “correct” claim about which nutrient is most important. There were claims comparing proteins against carbs, carbs against proteins, and fats against carbs. It all ended up sounding kind of corrupt to me. If scientists can’t get it right then I’m not sure who can.
After reading the first part of this book it has become more apparent why our country is the way we are today. Struggling against heart disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes. Over the past decade we have had all different types of self-proclaimed experts (scientists) try to say what is best for us with someone right behind them telling us something different. People have tried the diets that these experts claim will give you the best health with only to turn out malnourished. I hope that these experts stop making rash claims because it has obviously hurt our country in the past.

My link represents an expert from today's opinion on carbohydrates and protein.